Healthy Living Classes: Mindfulness, Meditation and Gratitude for life.

The typical class structure will consist of learning modules, which include:

  • Primer Ritual for focus 

  • Lesson based on the topic of the class

  • Segment of reading course material book 

  • Long-form group meditation personally led by the live voice of the instructor

All classes are taught by a live instructor with live classmates and open conversation throughout the class.

Burak Uzun is a 200-hour Certified Meditation Teacher with over fifteen years of personal experience in meditation and mindfulness.

Burak is also a registered member of Meditation Alliance International.

  • Healthy Living: Meditation

    Benefits of Meditation: reduced stress, heightened empathy, increased self-directedness, improved cooperation, slower brain aging, better problem solving, reduction in panic attacks, reduction in hypertension, decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, decreased symptoms of PTSD

    Course Material: Total Meditation by Deepak Chopra

    One hour - live - online class

    Mondays 5-6pm EST

    $45 per class

    (Sources: the Cleveland Clinic, Positive Psychology, Psych Central and

  • Healthy Living: Gratitude

    Benefits of Gratitude: reduced blood pressure, reduced pain, increased happiness, increased satisfaction with life, less burnout, reduced inflammation, greater patience, increased optimism, and improved decision-making.

    Course Material: Little Book of Gratitude by Dr. Robert A. Emmons

    One hour - live - online class

    Tuesdays 5-6pm EST

    $45 per class

    (Sources: the Cleveland Clinic, Positive Psychology, Psych Central and

  • Healthy Living: Mindfulness

    Benefits of Mindfulness: reduced anxiety, reduced symptoms of depression, improved mood, improved attention, strengthened immune system, lower heart rate, increased awareness, increased focus, improved memory, improved learning and improved emotional regulation.

    Course Material: Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana

    One hour - live - online class

    Wednesdays 9-10am EST

    $45 per class

    (Sources: the Cleveland Clinic, Positive Psychology, Psych Central and

Group Online Classes

Why Online Classes?

  • Independence: You don’t need a ride or any other help to attend.

  • Consistency: Never miss a class, even in a snowstorm or when you’re sick.

  • Efficiency: No travel time. A one-hour class with SOCA requires just one hour of your time.

  • Comfort: Access to your own snacks and bathroom.

At SOCA, we feel that unless a class requires physical contact, traveling to a class is a waste of time and resources.

In addition to being a committed meditator, Burak is a 200-hour Certified Meditation Teacher. He is also trained in mindfulness and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Burak has already logged over 1,000 remote teaching hours and has over 3,000 hours of experience as an assistant teacher. 

Burak also runs multiple remote businesses and is a Series 7 licensed stockbroker with FINRA.

Our online classes are intended for adults 18 years+ and are most appropriate for high school or higher academic levels.