12 Types of Meditation Series: Chakra Meditation

Chakras are energy centers in the body and have been studied for thousands of years. The word chakra comes from the ancient language of Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “disk.” The word was first used about 3,000 years ago in Indian scriptures called the “Vedas.” The Vedas would later become the founding philosophies of Hinduism, a religion originating in India. Then, other ancient texts called the “Upanishads” and “Tantras” told more about the chakra system and described how they contained energy in the body. Chakras are also part of Buddhism. Buddhists have meditated on the chakras to try to attain enlightenment.


Here are the seven chakras along with their characteristics:

1) Root Chakra

Modern Chakra Name: Root Chakra

Sanskrit Chakra Name: Muladhara

Color: Red

Chakra Element: Earth

Responsibility: Connection to the earth

When in balance: a sense of security and protection

When out of balance: fear, insecurity, financial troubles

Appropriate Affirmation: “I am safe. I am secure.”


2) Sacral Chakra

Modern Chakra Name: Sacral Chakra         

Sanskrit Chakra Name: Svadhisthana

Color: Orange

Chakra Element: Water

Responsibility: joy, passion, relationships

When in balance: emotional stability, creativity

When out of balance: guilt, emotional detachment

Appropriate Affirmation: “I embrace pleasure and creativity.”


3) Solar Plexus Chakra

Modern Chakra Name: Solar Plexus Chakra

Sanskrit Chakra Name: Manipura

Color: Yellow

Chakra Element: Fire

Responsibility: Ambition and decision-making

When in balance: high self-esteem, motivation

When out of balance: low confidence, procrastination

Appropriate Affirmation: “I am strong and capable.”


4) Heart Chakra

Modern Chakra Name: Heart Chakra

Sanskrit Chakra Name: Anahata

Color: Green

Chakra Element: Air

Responsibility: love

When in balance: Empathy, forgiveness

When out of balance: loneliness, resentment

Appropriate Affirmation: “I give and receive love freely.”


5) Throat Chakra

Modern Chakra Name: Throat Chakra         

Sanskrit Chakra Name: Vishuddha

Color: Blue

Chakra Element: Ether (empty space)

Responsibility: communication and creativity

When in balance: confident speaking and listening

When out of balance: difficulty communicating, throat issues

Appropriate Affirmation: “I speak my truth with kindness.”


6) Third Eye Chakra

Modern Chakra Name: Third Eye Chakra

Sanskrit Chakra Name: Ajna

Color: Indigo (a mix between blue and purple)

Chakra Element: Light

Responsibility: intuition, clarity

When in balance: wisdom, open-mindedness

When out of balance: confusion

Appropriate Affirmation: “I trust my inner wisdom.”


7) Crown Chakra

Modern Chakra Name: Crown Chakra         

Sanskrit Chakra Name: Sahasrara

Color: Violet (light purple)

Chakra Element: Thought

Responsibility: connection to higher energy, god

When in balance: peace, a sense of connection to everything

When out of balance: disconnection, skepticism

Appropriate Affirmation: “I am connected to the universe.”


Chakra Meditation

Meditating on the chakras is a way to focus on the energy centers of the body. By paying attention to each chakra, the practitioner can gain the benefits of that chakra. For example, by focusing on the heart chakra, the meditator can increase the amount of love they feel. This can be done by thinking about the part of the body the chakra is located in – to meditate on the heart chakra, one would put their attention on the middle of their chest.

Adding the color of the chakra to the meditation can also help access the energy of that chakra. When meditating on the Heart Chakra, one could also imagine the color green, which is the color of the heart chakra. You could visualize being surrounded by the color and, by making the color brighter in your mind, you can feel more of the energy of that chakra.

Meditating on the chakras can also help remove any blocks or imbalances we might have in our chakras. For example, since the Root Chakra is about feeling safe, if the Root Chakra is out of balance, we might feel scared or worried. But, if we meditate on the Root Chakra, feel its energy, consciously clear the bloackage and welcome its protection, we might be able to remove that fear and feel better.


Here is one way you could conduct a Chakra Meditation:

Step 1: Get comfortable in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes.

Step 2: Calm the mind by focusing on the breath. Deep breathing can relax the mind and body quickly.

Step 3: Visualize each chakra. Start at the bottom, at the Root Chakra, and go through each Chakra. As you move through the body, picture each Chakra. Think of its location in the body. Imagine its color. Think about that Chakra’s benefits.

Repeat an affirmation for each Chakra which exemplifies what that Chakra controls in the universe.  You might repeat, “I am love,” for the heart chakra or “I am protected” for the Root Chakra.

Step 4: Slowly come back to the present.


Kundalini Energy

Kundalini energy is a spiritual energy. It is said to be like a “coiled serpent,” representing dormant energy. It is believed to live at the base of the spine, inside the Root Chakra. A Kundalini Awakening is when the Kundalini energy is energized through meditation. Once awakened, the Kundalini energy begins to rise through all of the chakras. As it goes up, it activates each chakra. This clears all of the blockages and enhances the qualities of the chakras as it clears them.

As Kundalini energy passes through a chakra, it can bring new insight and a sense of balance. For example, as the kundalini energy passes the heart chakra, one could feel great love and compassion. If Kundalini makes it all the way up to the Crown Chakra, it is said to cause a union with the universe, a spiritual enlightenment.

Practices like “Kundalini Yoga” focus on awakening this energy and guiding it up through the chakras, with the goal being to harmonize body, mind and spirit.

All Chakra meditations are not Kundalini meditations. You can meditate on your chakras without trying to have a kundalini awakening. But, this article would be incomplete without some attention to the connection between chakras and kundalini energy.

Whether you achieve a full Kundalini awakening or simply want to be in balance, Chakra meditation can be a great addition to your meditation practice, aligning your energy centers and encouraging love, creativity, and grounding.




Burak Uzun is an award-winning writer and a meditation teacher.

Burak Uzun also co-wrote a feature film called Team Marco, which was featured in over fifty film festivals around the globe and was distributed by Samuel Goldwyn Films.

Please feel free to reach out to Burak here.

Learn more about SOCA LLC and Burak’s classes here.


12 Types of Meditation Series: Healing Light Meditation


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