What is SOCA LLC and what does it do?

SOCA LLC is an online educational resource based in New York.

SOCA’s vision: We propose a model where everyone attends regular online classes based on socially-accepted principles and real-world lessons. The classes will serve as a reminder of core philosophies as well an endless source of new information. Each class has outcomes and expectations for the students. The gathering, itself, will also build relationships among the students and provide long-term social support. These classes are not intended to replace traditional occupations: work and school. They are designed to meet outside of normal business hours, leaving the most productive hours of the day available to maximize life experience outside of the classroom. The time commitment for the student is similar to training sessions in a health club. By nurturing the students and instilling beneficial codes of conduct into the students’ lives, these classes will yield life-long benefits.

All SOCA classes feature:

  • A live instructor

  • Live classmates, you can see and hear

  • Social interaction, both with the instructor and with other students

Why online classes?

  • Independence: You don’t need a ride or any other help to attend.

Students can access our classes on their own. They can also take ownership of their class experience and consider it their “thing.”

  • Consistency: Never miss a class, even in a snowstorm or when you’re home sick

Consistency builds results.

  • Efficiency: No travel time. A one-hour class requires just one hour of your time.

We strive to deliver the maximum benefit with the smallest time commitment possible. We do not dedicate time to simply “hanging out.”

  • Comfort: Access to your own snacks and bathroom.

Since it is the lesson that is most important, traditional school etiquette is not an obstacle. Students are invited to dress comfortably, sit at ease or have a snack during class sessions.

What makes us different?

SOCA classes are not designed to provide our students with a way to pass time. SOCA classes are meant to be a compliment to real life. The point of our classes is the not classes. Our goal is to improve life outside of class time.

Who are our students?

At this time, SOCA classes serve adults (over 18). The classes are open to everyone.

Specialized training provides an additional benefit for students struggling with anxiety and for individuals on the Autism spectrum.

Additional Social Elements: The Student Text Loop

All students are given the opportunity to add their mobile numbers to the SOCA Students Text Loop for class reminders and friendly communication.

Here are some actual texts sent among students of the SOCA Students Text Loop:

“Hey guys, just to give you a heads up that the first day of my job is pushed up to the 31st.”

“Anyone seeing Avatar: The Way of the Water this week?”

“I’m setting up my computer right now for my session with you guys.”

“Just finished my workout at the gym.”

“See you all tomorrow and let’s have a peaceful day.”

What do we teach?

Healthy Living: A Mindfulness Class for Adults

The Healthy Living Class curriculum is an ongoing study of:

  • Mindfulness

  • Gratitude

  • Optimism and Positive Thinking

  • Continuous growth and expansion

  • Our connection to others

  • Acceptance

  • Charity

  • Love

Every Healthy Living Class features:

  • A live, group meditation guided by and under the supervision of the instructor

  • Breathing Exercises for Calm and Focus

  • Gratitude Practices

  • A Lesson based on the principles of the class

Experts agree about the benefits of meditation

“The benefits of meditation include: lower blood pressure, decreased pain, better immune system function, better mood, and brain function” - University of Rochester Medical Center

“From generalized anxiety disorders to phobia, panic disorders, obsession, and bipolar mood swings, daily meditation practice helps in regulating the unreasonable emotional ups and downs.” - PositivePsychology.com

“Meditation regulates anxiety and mood disorders.” - Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury, BA

“More Doctors are Prescribing Meditation” - Puff, R. Ph.D.

Class goals and outcomes

The Healthy Living Class aims to help students:

  • Build and maintain a regular routine of calming techniques

  • Build and maintain a regular gratitude practice

  • Build and maintain a regular routine of meditating on their own (outside of class)

  • Learn about the different types of meditation available

  • Learn about Mindfulness and how to apply it to daily life

Success will be measured by:

  • Continuous improvement in overall happiness, as reported by the student and their family

  • Continuous improvement in daily optimism, as reported by the student and their family

  • A continuous decline in daily anxiety, as reported by the student and their family

  • The continuous growth of interests and new experiences, as reported by the student and their family

Vocational Training through Media: Basic Work Training Principles

Our Vocational Training Class focuses on the study and application of our 12 Rules of Work:

  1. Pay Attention: Watch and listen at all times. When you are being paid to work, you are being paid to pay attention.

  2. Be Punctual: Don’t be late to work or when coming back from work breaks

  3. Treat People with Respect: Everyone in or near your workplace is important.

  4. Clean: A workplace must be clean - make the workplace clean and/or keep the workplace clean

  5. Every rule has a reason at work: Follow every work rule, even if it doesn’t make sense to you at first. If a rule at work does not make sense to you, it is because you have not worked in that workplace long enough to see why that rule is important.

  6. Cell Phone: Do not use our cell phone when working

  7. Be Professional: Doing the best job is the highest priority, above personal needs and comfort

  8. Accept Responsibility: There is no room for blaming others in the workplace. Excuses don’t have the same value at work as they do at home.

  9. Be prepared: Sometimes work must be done before the work shift starts. Tasks such as having your work clothes clean and ready, getting enough sleep in order to be your best, and learning certain business information must be done before work.

  10. Get Training: You cannot do your job if you do not know how to do your job. Listen to advice and training from experts and superiors. Training is valuable.

  11. Control Your Emotions: The only emotion that is acceptable in a workplace is Happy.

  12. Learn about the Business: Learn about all parts of your workplace. Learn all that you can.

We use “vocational shows” like “Hotel Hell,” “Bar Rescue” and “Restaurant Impossible” to study real workplaces. We critique and apply the 12 Rules of Work to the content covered in class in order to see our philosophies in action.

The Vocational Training through Media class is also developing a Podcast. The podcast is Coming Soon and will serve as an apparatus to practice and apply the work skills being studied in class. Every student will be expected to contribute to the Podcast, as they would be expected to contribute to any other workplace.

The Vocational Training Through Media Class aims to help students:

  • Learn how businesses operate and earn profit

  • Learn how expectations in a workplace are different than in other areas of life

  • Learn how customers’ opinions and satisfaction with the work delivered effects the student and their employment

  • Learn how emotions affect work performance

  • Learn how social skills affect work performance

  • Study a wide variety of work setting to recognize the similarities and differences among the many types of employment

  • Learn how a Podcast is recorded and edited

  • Learn how Podcast content is created

Success will be measured by:

  • Student’s ability to learn the 12 Rules of Work

  • Student’s ability to apply the 12 Rules of Work to the content covered in class

  • Student’s ability to apply the 12 Rules of Work in life outside of class

  • Student’s ability to complete class work assignments independently and entirely

  • Student’s ability to contribute to the creation of Podcast content

  • Student’s ability to perform on the Podcast when called upon

  • Student’s ability to anticipate the success or failure of the content being created

Everyday Money: Basic Financial Skills

The Everyday Money Class curriculum is the ongoing study of:

  • Budgeting: Yearly, Monthly, and Daily

  • Banking: Savings accounts, checking accounts, Debit Cards

  • Credit and Borrowing: Interest, amortization, FICO scores, making payments on time

  • Financial Goals: Saving for the future, Buying a home, owning a car

  • Basic financial math: making change and calculations

  • Shopping: customer reviews, comparing items, recognizing value

The Everyday Money  Class aims to help students:

  • Learn about how to build and adjust a personal, financial budget

  • Learn about credit and how a FICO score is determined

  • Learn about borrowing money and paying interest

  • Learn about comparative shopping

  • Learn how to use customer reviews to affect their purchase

  • Learn how to compare prices and features between multiple items

Success will be measured by:

  • Student’s ability to create a monthly, household budget independently

  • Student’s ability to create a personal, financial budget for an event/outing independently

  • Student’s ability to independently determine if a new purchase fits within their budget

  • Student’s ability to choose between two items, when purchasing both would not fit within their personal budget

  • Student’s ability to determine the value and quality of a potential purchase

  • Student’s ability to understand terms listed in real-life advertisements, independently

  • Student’s ability to independently plan and save for a large, future purchase

At SOCA LLC, we value continuous growth and learning. As our students meet class benchmarks, new content and expectations will be added to help our students reach their full potential.

We are always open to new ways to improve our students’ experience. Please feel free to contact us about ways we can improve our work.

Burak Uzun is an award-winning writer and instructor. He has received thousands of hours of training and hands-on experience in guiding individuals with social and emotional challenges. He also co-wrote a feature film called Team Marco, which was featured in over fifty film festivals around the globe and was distributed by Samuel Goldwyn Films.

Please feel free to reach out to Burak here.

Learn more about SOCA LLC and Burak’s classes here.


The SOCA Mindfulness Primer, Step-by-Step


Meditation and Mindfulness Practices Must Be Forever